Begin Reflection Log: 10th minute of the 14th hour of the 30th day of the 11th month of the 17th year of the 1st century of the 3rd millennia of the Common Era.
"I am feeling cautious of the changing seasons and wary of my own disciplines that help tether me to a greater sense of joy and productivity. My sleep schedule is tumultuous, my work-out schedule is nearly gone, my reading routine is absent, my Spanish lessons are few and far between, my eating habits are inconsistent, and my prayer life is less-than-desirable. These concerns have cropped up at different rates and have affected me to varying degrees, but all are worthy of mentioning. A negative result of this is that I am being much less intentional with the small moments, and am feeling at a loss for putting myself back on schedule. However, it is worth mentioning that controlled struggles, like this, can often help one grow more than when on cruise control. Responses to the prompts: 1. Something rewarding about community life Having someone to have silly conversations with 2. Something challenging about community life Being more than just there (checking in) 3. Something I did with the parish I attend Cooked Breakfast! 4. Something rewarding about work at my placement site Having a boss who is invested and trusts in me 5. Something challenging about work at my placement site Enter winter, exit Youth 6. A highlight of this month Thanksgiving celebration in Ft. Smith, AR 7. A goal I have for next month Maintaining a balanced workout routine 8. Something I pray or deeply hope for That I might find ways to enrich my relationships in StL(Triangle) 9. A new practice I’m engaging Basketball indoors at North City YMCA Let it be known that this is both a recapitulation of my month for outward digestion by my lovely audience as well as for inward digestion for my spiritual health." End Reflection Log: 18th minute of the 14th hour of the 30th day of the 11th month of the 17th year of the 1st century of the 3rd millennia of the Common Era. -Kevin
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